India\'s Saudi Policy - P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar

(Wang) #1

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P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. M. Quamar, India’s Saudi Policy,

annexure 6

deLhi decLaration, signed by King abduLLah bin
abduLaziz aL saud of the Kingdom of saudi arabia
and prime minister dr. manmohan singh of india

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held historic meetings with the
President of the Republic of India, His Excellency Dr. A.P.J. AbdulKalam
and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India, His Excellency Dr.
Manmohan Singh during his State visit to the Republic of India from 24
to 27 January, 2006. The two sides exchanged views and had in-depth
discussions that touched upon the mutual interests of both countries as
well as the security, stability, peace and prosperity in the whole region.

Realizing that this visit heralds a new era in India-Saudi Arabia relations
and constitutes a landmark in the development of increased understand-
ing and cooperation between the two countries and creation of a mutu-
ally beneficial partnership,
Reflecting the view that both countries are developing a broad strategic
vision, and are determined to work together closely for the welfare and
benefit of their peoples and for peace and stability in the region and the
Desirous of building upon and expanding the close ties and friendship and
the many commonalties between the two countries and peoples,

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