Cradock Spa
The next day, we decided to take it easy and rejuvenate our senses
at the spa. However, we had to step out of our tranquil setting to
cycle to the nearby village to purchase a few essentials. During our
visit to the village, we stumbled upon an internet café inside a hair
salon. Despite the sluggish internet connection, we managed to send
a few important emails.
Cradock Spa – Hofmeyr - 62 km
The morning dawned clear and sunny as we biked to the subsequent
settlement. The countryside was vast and extraordinary.
Unfortunately, Ernest ended up with two flat tyres, but we soon came
upon Hofmeyr, a small community with three dirt lanes and one
paved road. Typical of a small Karoo town, Hofmeyr had tin-roofed
homes, pepper willows, a church, a small shop, a school, and a police
station. Hofmeyr surprisingly had a small B&B known as The
Pondokkie, owned by friendly Joey and Derick. Again, the evening
was spent in front of the TV. At least this time the South African
cricket team won. Phew, I thought I would never see the day!