005 Cycle Touring Eastern Europe - Part 1 - Hungary & Romania

(Leana) #1


I spent the time applying for both my Bulgarian and Turkish visas.
Upon returning from the city, I found the campsite overrun with what
appeared to be hundreds of little tents. The well-known Baltic Cycle
group was on tour from the Baltics to Cypress. They mostly spoke
Polish, except for one Brit and one lady from New Zealand.

At the Turkish Embassy, I was informed a visa application had to be
made in my home country. After phoning my sister Amanda in South
Africa, she managed to get in touch with the Turkish Embassy and
they promised to reach out to the local Embassy. She advised me to
try again the next morning. The next day, I returned to the Turkish
Embassy, and by 5 p.m., I had my visa. Hallelujah! I further phoned
the Bulgarian Embassy, and, yes, the visa was granted, and I could
pick it up the following day.

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