(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

to my will and wrest it from Erawan’s control,
once I put its collar around your neck.”
The word was a steady chant, a rising
shriek within her.
“I don’t know why I didn’t think of it
before,” Maeve mused.
Maeve poked Aelin’s shattered wrist, and
Aelin swallowed her scream. “Think on it.
And when I return, let’s discuss my
proposition again. Maybe all that growing
strain will make you see more clearly, too.”
A collar. Maeve was going to retrieve a
Wyrdstone collar—
Maeve turned, black gown swirling with
her. She crossed the threshold, and her owl
swooped from its perch atop the open door to
land upon her shoulder. “I’m sure Cairn will
find ways to entertain you while I’m away.”

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