When the men had started asking why
Aelin of the Wildfire did not burn away their
enemies. Did not at least give them light by
which to fight.
Why she had vanished again.
Lysandra had donned her wyvern form to
battle the ilken, but she had been forced to
yield, to fall behind their lines. Good for
killing ilken, yes, but also a large target for
Morath’s archers and spear-throwers.
Ahead, too close for comfort, screams and
clashing weapons rose toward the sky. Even
the Fae royals’ magic was beginning to waver,
their soldiers with them. Where it failed, the
Silent Assassins lay waiting, shredding apart
Valg and ilken alike with swift efficiency. But
there were only so many of them. And still no
sign of Ansel of Briarcliff’s additional army.
Soon, the red-haired queen had promised
with uncharacteristic graveness only hours
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)