(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

believed they were about to be destroyed by
Melisande’s fleet. He’d done it for her, just as
he’d dropped the shield around them that day
Fenrys had ripped a chunk out of her arm, in
exchange for Gavriel’s healing her.
But the queen sitting silently behind them,
no trace of that sharp-edged fire to be seen,
nor that wicked grin she’d flashed at all who
crossed her path ... Two months with a sadist.
With two sadists. That had been the cost, and
the burden that Aelin and all of them would
That silence, that banked fire was because
of him. Not entirely, but in some ways.
Lorcan’s mouth tightened, as if he read the
thoughts on her face.
Elide looked ahead again, to where the
cavern ceiling dipped so low she could have
touched it if she stood. The space squeezed
tighter and tighter—

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