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24. Can you take a bath in STP water?
Many of our customers have expressed a desire to repurpose sewage treatment plant processed water (STP). This water is
primarily suggested for use in car washing, toilet 몭ushing, landscape irrigation, and basement and bathroom cleaning.
Reusing is a reasonable answer with a noble intention.
Sewage Treatment Plant, Sewage water...
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Waterman Engineers Australia is a manufacturer, exporter and supplier of water wastewater treatment plants, RO plants (Reverse Osmosis
Plant), Desalination plants, E몭uent recycling Systems, Zero liquid discharge systems (ZLD System), Caustic recovery plants, Water 몭ltration
systems, Drinking water plants, Arsenic removal systems for drinking and industrial water, Mineral water plant, Sewage treatment plants, Solid
& Liquid waste incinerator systems, Textile Mining Pharmaceutical e몭uent treatment plants, Solar based water wastewater sewage treatment
plants etc., with decades of experience in water wastewater treatment from concept to commissioning.