Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1
east turkestan 309

In 959, envoys from Khotan were received at the Later Chou court
(Sung shih 490:1b).
In the 12th month (Jan./Feb., 962) of the Chinese year 961, envoys
from the king of Khotan to the Sung court offered one kuei tablet^30
in a jade envelope, two pitchers of opaque glass, and barbarian (hu)
brocade. The envoys told that in their state people collected jade in
the rivers (Sung shih 490:4b; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).^31
On Jan.16, 966, envoys from the king of Khotan, the qaghan of the
Uighurs of Kan chou, and others presented 1000 horses, 500 camels,
500 jade lumps, and 500 catties of amber (Sung shih 2:2b-3a; Wen-hsien
t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).
On Mar.15, 966, a son of the king of Khotan offered regional
objects (Sung shih 2:4a; 490:5a; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).
In the 11th month (Nov./Dec.) of 968, Khotan envoys offered
camels and regional, objects (Sung hui-yao kao ts’e 197:2a).
In 969,^32 an envoy of the Khotan Uighurs told the Sung court that in
his state there was a jade lump weighing 237 catties and proposed that
the Sung should send for it. Emperor T’ai-tsu appointed him Grand
Master Who Displays Civilization and requested him to bring the jade
to China (Sung shih 2:9a; 490:5b; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).
In 971, a Buddhist priest presented a letter to the Sung court in
which the king of Khotan informed that he had defeated Kashgar and
had captured a dancing elephant, which he wished to present. Emperor
T’ai-tsu accepted it (Sung shih 490:5b;Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).
On Mar.12 and Apr.5 of 989, Khotan envoys to the Liao court
offered gifts (Liao shih 12:5a).^33
On Feb.28, 990, Khotan envoys to the Liao court offered gifts
(Liao shih 13:1a).
In 1009, a Uighur envoy from Khotan to the Sung court offered
regional objects. He observed Chinese court protocol by kneeling and
wishing Long Life (Sung shih 7:23a; 490:5b; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:

(^30) A symbol of authority.
(^31) In the 5th month (June) of 965, Bhuddist priests from Khotan and two other
places were received at the Sung court (Sung shih 490:5a; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:41b).
This was not an official mission.
(^32) Sung shih 2:9a says 11th month, keng-yin, which date did not exist.
(^33) Both dates fall into the 2nd month. Liao shih 70:8a-8b lists a mission from
Khotan in the 3rd month. That is probably an error for 2nd.

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