Vision 2024 Feb 14

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1
My images for the Vision 2024 book are a random selection of various topics like still life, por-
traiture, street photography and landscape. In 2024 our travels to and walks in Lissabon, Berlin,
the Champagne region and Canterbury were photographic highlights. The trip to Berlin was
short, but it was a great opportunity to catch up again with our BPG friends from Thailand and

The “Aurora Borealis” or Northern Lights provided a rare photo opportunity near our home. A
rare phenomena to see at our latitude. Most of my portraits are of my family members and peo-
ple of our local community. I find this genre rewarding and challenging and hope to do
Riepko Krijthe more of this in the future.

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