A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

 1037 Certain forbidden relationships call for the death penalty.
The father’s wife and the man who sleeps with her and the man
and his daughter-in-law have incurred bloodguilt (Lev. 20:11–12). A
man who sleeps with a woman and her daughter to be burned, as
are the women, “for depravity” (Lev. 20:14). Others are subject only
to divine sanctions: should a man sleep with his brother’s wife or
his uncle’s wife, he and the woman will die childless (Lev. 20:20–21).

8.5 Theft^78

The Ten Commandments and Leviticus 19:11 both prohibit theft. A
man who steals livestock pays double if the animals are still alive
and with him (Exod. 22:3). If he has slaughtered or sold it, he must
pay fivefold for large cattle and fourfold for small herds (Exod. 21:37).
David, hearing Nathan’s case of a rich man who stole a poor man’s
lamb to feed to his guest, condemns him as worthy of death and
requires him to pay back four lambs to the poor man (2 Sam.

8.5.1 Exodus 23:4 presents the special case of a man who finds his
enemy’s animal sleeping with a full pack. He is to leave it alone,
avoiding any temptation to capture the animal and/or steal the con-
tents of the pack.^79

8.5.2 One must return all lost property. If the owner is unknown
or is far away, one is to keep it until the owner comes (Deut. 22:1–3).
The owner might accuse the finder of theft; the finder might accuse the
claimant of fraud: in such a dispute, one could “approach God”—
the procedure when two parties lay claim to animals or lost articles.
The one convicted pays double (Exod. 22:8).

8.5.3 Kidnapping for sale into slavery entails execution if the kidnap-
per is caught with his victim (Exod. 21:16; Deut. 24:7). Deuteronomy
is sometimes translated “enslaving or selling,” but the verb hit'amer
refers to sale.

(^78) Jackson, Theft...
(^79) Cooper, “Plain Sense.. .” The law is often interpreted as a command to help
a fallen pack animal and reload his pack, but robeßdoes not mean “fallen,” for
which see Huffmon, “Exodus 23:4–5...”
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