A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

      1059

  1. Surprisingly, the obligation to pay tribute and audience gifts dur-
    ing visits to the court (see 2.3.3, 3.1.2–3, and 4.2.3) is not recorded
    in any of the extant treaties.

3.5 Procedure

The conclusion of (“entering into”) a treaty involved a ceremonial
banquet, during which the adjuration of the oath-taking party took
place.^57 Vassal treaties seem to have been concluded in the temple
of Ashur in Assur,^58 while the primary scene for “entering into” pacts
concerning royal succession seems to have been the temple of Ninurta
in Calah.^59 It seems that vassal treaties were normally prepared in
at least two copies, a master copy preserved in the imperial archives
and one deposited with the other treaty party.^60 Important treaties
were secured by an exchange of children (as hostages) or by mar-
riage arrangements between the respective rulers.^61

3.6 Sanctions

In the event of a violation of the treaty terms, the sanctions pre-
scribed in the curse section of the treaty applied as divine punish-
ments to be literally implemented by the Assyrian party (see 3.2–3
and 4.1.4).

  1. CIL

4.1 Law of War

4.1.1 Nature of War
As god’s representative upon earth, the king was responsible for
defending his realm against any possible threat and was accountable
for his performance to both god and man.^62 War was conceived of
dualistically as the fight of forces of light and order (Assyria) against
those of darkness and chaos (the rest of the world), the king play-
ing the role of the gods of victory (Ninurta), thunder (Adad), and

(^57) Cf. SAA 2 6: 153–56; 2 i 10–21.
(^58) See SAA 1 76.
(^59) See SAA 10 5–7 and the relevant discussion in Parpola, Letters.. ., II.
(^60) See Parpola, “Neo-Assyrian Treaties.. .,” 161, and the discussion of the Sfîre
treaties in SAA 2, xxvii–xxviii.
(^61) Cf. ABL 918 and the discussion in SAA 2, xvii and xix.
(^62) See Tadmor, “Monarchy...”
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