A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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blasphemy, 1002, 1040–1041
blood avenger, 999, 1031, 1032
bloodguilt, 1028, 1029, 1032, 1033,
Book of the Covenant, 976, 977
burglary, 1031, 1038
castes, 1000–1001
central courts, 991–992
children, 1012–1015
constitutional and administrative law,
contracts, 1020–1027
corvée, 993
courts, 991–993
covenant renewal, 991
crime and delict, 1027–1042
damage to property, 1038–1040
David, 983–984
debt, 1023–1025
deposit, 1026
Deuteronomic curses, 976
Deuteronomic ideal of king,
divorce, 1010
documents, 996
elders, 987, 988–989, 992, 1032, 1041
epiklarate, 1018–1019
essential prescriptions, 975–976
evidence, 995–996
exculpatory oath, 997
execution, 998–999
exploitation, restrictions on, 1017
false witness, 995–996, 1039
family, 1007–1015
father’s rights, 1013–1014
forbidden sexual partners, 1035
foreclosure, 1022–1023
foreigners, 1002
fraud, 1038
gender and age, 1002–1003
gleaning, 1017
hire, 1025–1026
homicide, 979, 989, 999, 1029–1033
incest, 1028, 1036–1037
inheritance, 1018–1019
injury to animals, 1039
injury to another person, 979, 1033
injury to slaves, 1038
interest, 1021
Israelites, 999–1000
Jubilee year, 1006, 1016, 1017, 1024
“Judge at That Time,” 992
judgment, 995, 998
king, 981–985, 991–992

land tenure, 1015–1017
later kings of Israel, 984–985
legal collections, 976–977
legal ostraca, 981
legislation, 990–991
levirate, 989, 1011–1012, 1034
Levites, 990, 1001
Levitical Commands, 976
litigation, 994–999
loans, 1021
local courts, 987, 992–993
marriage, 1007–1012
military service, 993
Moses, 982
narratives, 980
parties to litigation, 994
penalties, 1027–1029
Pentateuch, 975–980
personal status, 999–1007
pledge, 1022–1023
pollution, 1028–1029
polygamy, 1009–1010
priestly codes, 977
priests, 989–990, 999, 1000–1001
property, 1015–1019
prophets, 980, 985–986. See also
Hebrew Bible
rape, 1035
reading the written law, 990–991
rebellion against authority,
release of slaves, 1024
remarriage, 1010–1011
remediation, 1023
remission of debts, 1024
repayment, 1021
restitution of abandoned land,
role of king in law, 982
Sabbatical Rules, 1017, 1024
sales, 1020–1021
Saul, 982–983, 1027, 1040
seduction, 1035
services, 993
sexual offenses, 1028–1029, 1034–1037
slander, 1040
slavery, 1003–1007
Solomon, 981, 982, 984
sources of law, 23, 975–981
special institutions, 1042
standing before God, 997
supranatural procedures, 996–998
suretyship, 1025
surrogacy, 1014–1015

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