A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
Kings, Book of. See Hebrew Bible
Kinza (Qadesh), 758, 759
Kirkuk. See Nuzi
Kish (King of Babylonia), 242–243
Kizzuwatna (Cilicia), 85, 756, 758
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 913. See Entitlements
Kurigalzu I (Kassite king), 487, 488

Labor administration
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 260, 272
New Kingdom, 341
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 100–103
Lagash, 243
borders, 249
treaties, 241, 245, 247, 249
Land. See Real property
boundaries of. See Boundaries of
grants. See Real property, subheading:
tenure. See Tenure of property
Land rental. See Hire
Akkadian. See Akkadian
Aramaic as lingua franca, 3, 820,
863, 912, 1047
Demotic, 819–820, 826
determining court venue
Egypt Demotic Law, 832
Greek as lingua franca, 820–821
Late Bronze Age, 765–766
Late Bronze Age, international law,
753–773. See also International law
Law codes, 8–10, 16–19, 21. For
individual paragraphs, see Index of
Texts Cited
biblical collections, 10
Covenant Code (CC), 9
Deuteronomic Code (DC), 9. See
also Hebrew Bible
Demotic Law, 778, 821
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 255–256
New Kingdom, 289–290
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 93
Third Intermediate Period, 778
form of, 17, 23

Hebrew Bible, 9. See also Hebrew
Hittite Laws (HL), 9, 10, 68, 619–624
Israel, 23, 990–991
Laws of Eshnunna (LE), 8, 9, 68, 361
Laws of Hammurabi (LH), 8, 9, 14,
17, 18–19, 27, 361, 364
Laws of Lipit-Ishtar (LL), 8, 9, 361,
Laws of Ur-Namma (LU), 8, 9, 183
Legal Code of Hermopolis, 11, 778, 821
Early Dynastic and Sargonic
Periods, 141–143
Middle Assyrian Period, 8, 9, 521
documents of practice, 522
Neo-Assyrian Period, 883–884
Neo-Babylonian Period, 9, 912
Neo-Sumerian Period, 183
Old Assyrian Period, 15, 431
Old Babylonian Period, 361
Middle Assyrian Laws (MAL), 8,
9–10, 77, 521
Neo-Babylonian Laws (NBL), 9, 912
presumptions in, 35
“science of lists” and, 17, 20
scribal copies, 9. See also Scribes,
subheading: training
Law enforcement. See Police; Viziers
Laws. See Law codes; Legislation
Lawyers, functions of, 31
New Kingdom, 309
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 109
Israel, 995
Neo-Assyrian Period, 890
Neo-Babylonian Period, 921
Neo-Sumerian Period, 194
Nuzi, 571
Old Assyrian Period, 435, 441,
443, 473
loans of
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 549
Leases. See Hire
Legal documents. See Private legal
Legal records. See Courts, subheading:
records; Trial records
Legal science, 17, 21–22
Legatum per damnationem

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