A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
Tell Atchana. See Alalakh Level IV
Tell el-Fahhar. See Nuzi
Tell Mardikh. See Ebla
Temple courts, 29
Demotic Law, 828, 829
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 278
New Kingdom, 301
Neo-Babylonian Period, 919
Old Babylonian Period, 368
Temples, 29. See also Oracles
administration of
Demotic Law, 826, 827
New Kingdom, 297
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 104
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 913, 916, 918
as administrative centers
New Kingdom, 29
Third Intermediate Period, 785
Mesopotamia Early Dynastic and
Sargonic Periods, 148
display of kudurru
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 913
donations to
Egypt Third Intermediate Period,
782, 802
Mesopotamia Neo-Assyrian
Period, 899
endowments of land from king
Egypt Third Intermediate Period,
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 915
exemption decrees for
Egypt Old Kingdom, 94–95. See
also Exemption decrees
food restrictions
Egypt Demotic Law, 854
great estates attached to
Mesopotamia Neo-Sumerian
Period, 190–191
harboring state enemies
Egypt Middle Kingdom and
Second Intermediate Period, 282
Jewish Temple. See Jews
land ownership, 54. See also Prebends

Demotic Law, 839
New Kingdom, 328, 330, 331
Third Intermediate Period, 779,
786, 802
Mesopotamia Neo-Assyrian
Period, 899
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 918, 926–927
as party to litigation
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 921
priestesses. See Priestesses
priests. See Priests
slave ownership by. See also this
heading: oblates
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 272
New Kingdom, 320
status of members
Egypt Demotic Law, 833
theft from, 81
Neo-Babylonian Period, 921,
922, 962–963
Old Babylonian Period, 420
violation of, by sexual acts
Egypt Demotic Law, 854
Ten Commandments, 9n, 975–976,
995, 1012, 1034, 1037, 1039, 1041
Tenant farmers. See Agricultural lease;
Hire, subheading: land rental
Tenants. See Hire
Tenure of property, 54–56
Alalakh IV, 711
Demotic Law, 838–839
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 276–277
New Kingdom, 291, 328–330
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 121–122
Third Intermediate Period, 802
Emar, 661, 675–676
Hittite Kingdom, 638–639
Israel, 1015–1017
Early Dynastic and Sargonic
Periods, 163
Middle Assyrian Period, 524–525,

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