A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
Óor archive 823
Hu Bowl 132
Inscription of Ankhtyfy 131
Inscription of
Demedjibtawy 131 n. 327
Inscription of
Henuttawy 793, 802
Inscription of
ôt.f-¢3.wy 123
n. 267
Inscription of Maatkare 793, 795
n. 162,
Inscription of Metjen 96, 112
n. 168, 124
n. 277, 127
Inscription of Nikauankh 125
Inscription of Nikawre 129
Inscription of
Pepiankhheriyeb 113 n. 178,
Inscription of Pepinakht 97 n. 36,
107 n. 126
Instruction of Ptahhotep 120 n. 232,
124 n. 276
Inscription of
Wepemnofret 96, 126
Instruction of
Amenemhet 257
Instruction of
Amenemope 294
Instructions of the
Vizier 267
Instructions of
'Onchsheshonqy 825, 854
Israel Stela 295
Jubilee Inscription of
Osorkon II 779
Judicial Papyrus of
Turin 291 n. 19
Judicial Stela of
Amarah 335
Kahun papyri 259, 272,
Karnak Donation Stela 263 n. 89
Karnak Ostracon
see O. de. L.S. 462.4
Khnumhotep tomb
Inscription 277
Late Egyptian
Miscellanies 293
Late Ramesside
Letter 37 295
Late Ramesside
Letter 46 325 n. 350

Legal Code of
Hermopolis see
P. Mattha
Legal Text of Mes 292, 293,
308, 311,
311 n. 227,
318, 329,
330, 334,
334 n. 423,
Merikare 256, 257,
269 n. 140,
Moalla Inscription 8 133
Nauri Decree 289, 290,
290 n. 12,
300, 322,
342, 345
Nitokris Stela 791
Ny Carlsberg 1539 259 n. 45
O. Ashmolean
+ 1945.33
+ O. Michaelides 90 295
O. Berlin 10627 328
O. Berlin 10629 306, 323
n. 331
O. Berlin 12654 299
O. Berlin 12630 308 n. 199,
318 n. 286
O. Bodleian Library 253 325
O. BM 5624 332, 349
O. BM 5625 349
O. BM 5631 295
O. Brussel E 6311 339 n. 464
O. Cairo 25242 349 n. 546
O. Cairo 25227 323 n. 329
O. Cairo 25553 339
O. Cairo 25555 332, 349
n. 557
O. Cairo 25556 305, 308,
311, 346
n. 526
O. Cairo 25725
+ O. Louvre E. 3259 326
O. Chicago 12073 340 n. 471
O. Deir-el Med.
56 and 57 314
O. DeM 61 340 n. 470
O. DeM 62 340
O. DeM 73 305, 338
O. DeM 108 333 n. 418,
O. DeM 126 305
n. 171

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