A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
ings against disobedient subordinates. In the Decree of Neferirkare
the king addresses the “overseer of priests,” who has the power to
transfer those disobeying the royal commands to the Ów.t-wr.t, the
“Great House” (i.e., the court).^101 Local Government
The ̇3ty-', “local prince,” “nomarch,” “mayor,” is an important
administrative and juridical title. In the Old Kingdom “new towns”
or “villages,” are established, controlled by ̇q3.w ̇.wt (“rulers of
manors”).^102 There is also a “court of the district” (qnb.t n.t w).^103
Pious foundations possibly played a major role on the local level.^104
The “local governors” ( ̇ry-tp) and “nobles,” “magistrates,” (sr.w) may
also be designations of local officials.^105

2.1.4 The Courts The usual term for the court or court system in the Old
and Middle Kingdoms is the “Six Great Houses” ( ̇.t wr.t 6).^106 The
Sixth Dynasty official Weni, for example, states “(that he heard) cases
alone with only the Judge and Vizier concerning every secret and
everything related to the name of the king from the Royal Harem
and the Six Great Houses.”^107 The institution is still obscure, the
chief source of information being the enigmatic titles of persons con-
nected with it.
̨ 3 ≈ 3 .t (djadjat)^108 is a particularly common term for a “court” in
the Old Kingdom and thereafter. Such courts seem to have had
significant administrative or advisory functions, in addition to judi-
cial duties.^109

(^101) Martin-Pardey, Untersuchungen.. ., 93–94.
(^102) Andrassy, “Das Pr-“n',” 31–32. For the ̇ry.w-tp(“local governors”) and ̇q3.w-
̇.wt (“rulers of manors”), see Eyre, “Work.. .,” 19. Van den Boorn, Vizier.. ., 100,
also discusses the “leader of the funerary domain.”
(^103) Allam, “Quenbete.. .,” 45.
(^104) Trigger et al. Social History.. ., 107, and also 105.
(^105) Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 112–13.
(^106) See Strudwick, Administration.. ., 188–98; Boorn, Vizier.. ., 8; Trigger et al.,
Social History.. ., 83–85. See further Boochs, Straftrechtliche Aspekte.. ., 32–33.
(^107) Urk. 1, 99. Baines, “Restricted Knowledge.. .,” 17, discusses the legal authority
of Weni. See also Kanawati, Governmental Reforms.. ., 29.
(^108) See especially Hayes, Papyrus.. ., 45–46; Lurje, Studien.. ., 64.
(^109) Hayes, Papyrus.. ., 45.
      105
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