A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
for agriculture and fields disputes.^130 Several other scribal positions
appear to have legal significance as well, such as the “overseer of
the scribe of the royal document.”^131

2.1.5 Police
The designations for police varied widely in different places and
times in Egypt. It is difficult to discern a distinct hierarchical sys-
tem of police bureaucracy.^132 In the Old Kingdom, the s3-pr, “gen-
darmerie,” are responsible for enforcing justice and economic
sanctions.^133 They punish delinquent taxpayers, and provide security
for desert expeditions. The so-called “pacified Nubians” may also
have been a type of police.^134 The fimy-r “nt, “overseer of disputes,”
first appears in the First Intermediate period. The office is attested
into the New Kingdom and then, in an archaizing form, in the Late
Jails or prisons for long-term incarceration in the modern sense
are hardly known from ancient Egypt.^136

  1. L

3.1 Parties

The meager evidence does not suggest that women were at any
disadvantage as litigants in law suits.^137 Slaves nowhere appear as

3.2 Procedure

3.2.1 The evidence is too sparse to speak confidently of standard
procedure in the Old Kingdom. A lawsuit may have commenced
with a written complaint.^138 The plaintiffpossibly had to take upon

(^130) Martin-Pardey, Untersuchungen.. ., 182.
(^131) Strudwick, Administration.. ., 181, 199, 204–5, 208–16.
(^132) Andreu, “Polizei,” cols. 1068–71.
(^133) Andreu, “Sobek...”
(^134) But see Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 62–63.
(^135) Van den Boorn, Vizier.. ., 50–51.
(^136) Boochs, Strafrechtliche Aspekte.. ., 81.
(^137) Cf. Pestman, Marriage.. ., 182.
(^138) Seidl, Einführung.. ., 34. Cf. Menu, “Prête.. .,” 68.
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