A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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8.4.4 Receiving A person imprisoned for possessing stolen goods could peti-
tion for release in order to produce the party—presumably the thief—
from whom he had received the goods.^169 If a surety secured his
release, the surety assumed the obligation to make good the losses
if the thief was not produced (see 7.6 above).


Brinkman MSKH Brinkman, Materials.. ., by text number
D-K Dùr-Kurigalzu; refers to texts published in Gurney, “Texts from
Peiser Urkunden Peiser, Urkunden.. ., by text number
Petschow MB Petschow, Mittelbabylonische.. ., by text number
SBKI Hinke, Selected.. ., by text number


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    ——. “Sex, Age, and Physical Condition Designations for Servile Laborers in the
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(^169) E.g., UET 7 7 and 40.
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