A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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is not possible due to a gap in the text (MAL N 2). Blasphemy
against a god or the king by a lady of the harem in the course of
a quarrel carries the death penalty (Edicts 10 and11).

8.11 Forgery
Falsification of a debt note for the purpose of inflating the sum of
the debt is a fraud carrying a punishment at the king’s discretion
(MAL C+G 10). Falsification of accounting records, to the detriment
of the creditors of a trading partnership, is punishable with strokes
of the rod (MAL C+G 11).


Assur 3 Aynard and Durand, “Documents...”
David and Ebeling ARU David and Ebeling, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden.. ., by text


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