A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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sphere of activity. At the same time, it does not exclude the exis-
tence of “real” slaves.^50
To the class of semi-free belong the agricultural workers of a mau-
soleum or of a large estate owner, the artisans working there, and
property-owning “slaves,” namely the “foreman” or “steward”
(LÚAGRIG), or the shepherd (LÚSIPA.UDU).

4.3 Other Classes

4.3.1 LÚ.ME”¢ippares
These “captives” were drafted for general service (luzzi, HL 48).
They are engaged in public works, such as the maintenance of build-
ings or roads in the settlements. They have fields and vineyards but
are not allowed to sell this property, which is apparently only for
their personal use. It is doubtful whether they are connected with
NAM.RA persons (see 4.3.3 below).^51

This much-discussed class was originally thought to be warriors.^52
Sommer suggested “craftsman” (“Handwerker”) instead,^53 since the
Sumerogram TUKUL can mean not only “weapon” but also “tool.”
He is followed by von Schuler,^54 while Hoffner speaks of a “man
who has a tukul-obligation.”^55
According to HL 41, these craftsmen have to perform sa¢¢anduty
(service for the king). Their sphere of activity is the maintenance of
public installations, such as shrines and fortresses.

4.3.3 NAM.RA
The Akkadian equivalent for this Sumerian term is ”ALLATU, “booty;
deportee(s).” They are members of the deported and resettled pop-
ulation of defeated enemy countries.^56 The Hittite kings drafted them

(^50) Cf. Akk. wardum(see AHw 1464–65). The previously adopted term “Unfreier”
will no longer be used.
(^51) Haase, “Der LUhippara“.. .,” 36f.
(^52) Hroznÿ, Code Hittite... sec. 40 passim: homme d’armes. Also D’jakonow,
“Gesellschaft.. .,” 331, albeit with the qualification of a conscript “welcher im
Frieden Handwerker ist,” as are all conscripts.
(^53) Sommer and Falkenstein, Bilingue.. ., 120–24.
(^54) Dienstanweisungen... sec. 40 passim.
(^55) Hoffner, Laws.. ., sec. 40.
(^56) Alp, “Klasse.. .,” 115.
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