A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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snake while pronouncing the name of his enemy, he is to be killed
(170). Both cases accord with the Constitution of Telipinu, section
50, which provides that perpetrators of sorcery are to be brought to
the palace gate. Justifiable Homicide HL 37 deals with the abduction of a woman—apparently
a familiar practice, as HL 28 shows. The culprit must reckon with
the vengeance of her family and therefore flees in the company of
several friends. The family gives chase with its supporters, in order
to free the woman. Should a fight ensue and one of the abductors
be killed, there is no punishment if the killer calls out, “You have
become a wolf.”^92 This formula emphasizes that the conduct of the
abductor and his friends is outside the law and therefore not pro-
tected by it. Supporters also appear in a dispute between plaintiffand
defendant before the court (HL 38). Apparently, in this case, they
have engaged themselves too forcefully on their party’s behalf, and
one of the litigants becomes enraged and kills the trouble-maker.
There are no legal consequences; disruption of court proceedings are
not to be tolerated.^93 Sacral Offenses Someone who, without right, enters the house of a sup-
posed debtor and tries to seize bread or wine, infringes sacred space,
making the house ritually unclean. He must give a purification offering
and may not enter the house for a year (HL 164–65).^94 One who plows a sowed field and sows his own seed was,
in earlier law, torn apart by oxen, who were then also put to death.
In the reformed law, it is sufficient for the man to be ritually purified
by bringing a sacrificial offering (HL 166–67).

(^92) Haase, “Zur Bedeutung.. .,” 251–53; “Überlegungen zur unerlaubten.. .,” 44;
Weitenberg, “ ‘To Become a Wolf’...”
(^93) Haase, “Zur Bedeutung.. .,” 251–53.
(^94) Haase, “Eine Grenzstreitigkeit...”
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