A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

   681

to this category (ASJ 16, pp. 231–38; Emar 176; Ekalte 75; possibly
TBR 31). Inheritance
In a few cases, the testator gives his wife the whole estate (ASJ 13:22;
RE 15; in TBR 47, an indirect report, the relationship is unclear).
They appear to be special circumstances, perhaps where there are
no male heirs. In ASJ 13:31, it is predicated on the absence abroad
of the testator’s son. In TBR 50, atypically, the wife receives the
main inheritance share alongside the sons. Care
One of the most frequent provisions of the testaments is for support
of the testator’s widow. The duty is imposed on all of his children
or on specific children, and inheritance of one’s share is usually made
contingent upon its realization. The testator might also give his widow
the right to remain in the matrimonial home (or a substitute dwelling)
for the rest of her life (Emar 15, 156; TBR 69). “Father and Mother”^57
In a large number of testaments, the testator makes his widow “father
and mother of my house,” sometimes adding that she is “head”
(qaqqadu) of the house (e.g., Emar 15, 91, 181, 185; SMEA 7; ASJ
13:24, 26; 30; ASJ 16, p. 231; Dalley 6; RE 15, 28, 37; TBR 45,
50, 71; Ekalte 19, 65, 75). In ASJ 13:23, this status is given to her
jointly with a daughter, in two documents to a daughter alone (Emar
31; RE 57), and in TBR 28, to the testator’s mother. The effect is
to preserve the paternal estate undivided during the widow’s life-
time, or at least at her discretion. Devolution
Six of the extant testaments are made by women. In all but one,
she is obviously a widow.^58 The source of her property is not given;

is to a vested future right. In TBR 22, the husband has (revealingly) “made known”
(umteddi) the gift.

(^57) Beckman, “Family Values.. .,” 72; Kämmerer, “Stellung.. .”; Westbrook,
“Emar Jurisprudence...”
(^58) In Emar 30, the testatrix’ husband is a legatee, although he may be her sec-
ond husband. The other testaments are Emar 32, 128, 213; TBR 28, 29.
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