A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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in their village. They are liable to punishment if the owner subse-
quently discovers his slave there.

  1. Personal Status

4.1 Citizenship
Only one text, the inter-state record of litigation AT 13, provides
information on citizenship. There a certain Iribhazi claims against
King Niqmepa and before the Mittanian overlord Shaushtatar his
status of what we may tentatively render “citizenship of Hanigalbat
(or Mittani)” (¢anigalbatùtu). This status is opposed to his condition
as “servant (or subject) of Niqmepa”; the court finally decides in
favor of the latter. It is interesting that the same word, ¢anigalbatùtu,
is attested once more in a legal document from Tell Brak in a case
presided over by the Mittanian king Tushratta.^30 The status of “cit-
izenship of Hanigalbat” is there granted to the son of a concubine.
To judge from this scarce evidence, it seems reasonable to assume
that the term in question designates the status of a freeborn native
of the Mittanian kingdom (similar to the well-known designation “son
of GN” in other ancient Near Eastern contexts), which, as shown
by the Tell Brak text could be acquired, presumably through manu-
mission, by non-freeborn people.

4.2 Class
It is difficult to define the social classes of Alalakh. The extant texts,
mainly the so-called “census lists,” and the terminology in use, both
varied and ambiguous, do not allow a clear interpretation. Nonetheless,
several scholars tend to divide the population of Alalakh into three
main categories: the maryannu, the e©elle, and the namê.^31 It should be
noted, however, that other categories, such as the purre, are attested.
What seems easier, in any case, is the distinction between nobles
and non-nobles. To the former, for example, belong without doubt
the maryannu’s. They enjoyed a rather high political, economic, and
probably also military status; they are attested, as already mentioned,

(^30) TB 8001, published by Illingworth, “Inscriptions from Tell Brak 1986.”
(^31) See, e.g., Liverani, “La royauté syrienne.. .,” and “Communautés de village
et palais royal.. .”; Serangeli, “Le liste di censo.. .”; Gaál, “The Social Structure
of Alalah”; Von Dassow, “Social Stratification.. .”; Márquez Rowe, “The King’s
Men.. .”
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