A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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  1. F

5.1 Marriage

5.1.1 Conditions There were, as far as we know, no prior legal conditions
to marriage between a man and woman, although we may presume
that a woman’s father had to approve of the arrangement. The insti-
tution of marriage was formal only insofar as property was con-
cerned, and either party could obtain a divorce simply by leaving.
There is no documentary evidence to suggest that a marriage was
publicly celebrated.^80 The so-called “marriage contracts” in Demotic
are actually post-nuptial agreements which established for the woman
the line of inheritance from the property of the father to any chil-
dren produced by the union. Property in a marriage was divided
into three categories: (1) property of the wife, (2) property of the
husband, and (3) joint property acquired during the marriage. There
were restrictions on the use of joint property.^81 Marriage was usually monogamous in Egypt. Instances which
appear to show men with more than one wife are probably artistic
representations of a man’s marriage history and should be used with
the greatest caution in arguing for polygamy.^82 Although consan-
guineous marriage is attested frequently in the Roman period, the
closest marriage documented from any period in the Demotic mar-
riage “contracts” is one between half-brother and -sister.^83

5.1.2 Formation
There were two stages in the formation of marriage according to
Demotic contracts. In stage one, the bride’s father enters the house
of the bridegroom with a dowry, and at the same time, a document

(^80) But see Smith, “Marriage and Family.. .,” 48. Cf. Johnson, “Legal Status...,”
(^81) Eyre, “Adultery.. .,” 101 and n. 83, citing Kaplony-Heckel, Tempeleide.. ., texts
5–13, 15–17, 19, 21.
(^82) Smith, “Marriage and the Family.. .,” 47.
(^83) P. Chicago Hawara I (Hughes and Jasnow, Hawara Papyri.. ., text 1, 365/64
B.C.E., Hawara). On the issue of consanguineous marriages in Egypt, see, inter
alia, Scheidel, “Brother-Sister Marriage.. .”; Shaw, “Explaining Incest...”
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