A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

842  In the case of a lack of heirs, adoption was used (see 5.3

6.3.3 Female Inheritance
Women had the right to inherit a share of all property, including
land.^121 In practice, this inheritance was given in the form of a dowry
before marriage. If there was no eldest son, the eldest daughter
received an extra share.^122

6.3.4 Marital Gifts
We do not know of a separate term that distinguished a dowry from
the property brought by the woman into the house of her husband.
They may have been one and the same. Such property was termed
the “things of a woman” (nkt.w n s. ̇m.t). We hear about four categories of property exchanged at
the time of marriage: the “things of a woman,” the “money for
becoming a wife” ( ̇≈n fir ̇m.t), the “annuity” (s'n¢), and the “gift to
a wife” (“pn ̇m.t). No Demotic contract mentions all four of these,
and it is clear from the texts that what we have is the preservation
of local traditions as well as changes over time in the practice of
marriage agreements. The “things of a woman” are goods brought into the mar-
ital household. They were listed and given valuation in money terms
in certain types of marriage agreement. The husband acknowledged
that these goods have come into his house, as well as their present
value and the total value of the items. The items consist of vessels
of various types—furniture, clothing, jewelry, and the like. During
the marriage, the husband claimed a right of use, while the woman
retained the right of disposal. Upon divorce, the husband was required
to return the items, a monetary equivalent, or a substitute. The “money for becoming a wife” was a gift of the bride
to the husband, normally in money. The husband acknowledged
receipt of it and promised to return it if asked to do so. It may have
functioned similarly to an annuity.

(^121) For an overview of the status of women in ancient Egypt, see Johnson, “Legal
(^122) Pestman, “Inheriting.. .,” 61.
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