A History of Ottoman Political Thought Up to the Early Nineteenth Century

(Ben Green) #1
Historical Timeline 463

Historical events Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

ca. 1299 rise of Osman
1354 conquest of
1389 battle of Kosovo,
rise of Bayezid I
1402 battle of Ankara 1401 Şeyhoğlu Mustafa,
Kenzü’l-küberâ (I)
1406 Ahmed Amasi,
Kitâb-ı mir’atü’l-
mülûk (II)
1413 end of civil war 1411 t.a.q. for Ahmedi’s
İskendernâme (I)
1451 second reign of
Mehmed II
1453 conquest of

Ca. 1453 Yazıcıoğlu
Ahmed Bican,
Dürr-i meknûn (I)
Ca. 1478 Aşıkpaşazade’s
Tevârîh-i Âl-i Osman (I)
1481 Bayezid II After 1481 Sinan Pasha,
Ma’ârifnâme (I)
After 1488 Tursun Beg,
Târîh-i Ebu’l-feth (II)
1508 Şehzade Korkud,
Dawat al-nafs (III)
1512 Selim I
1514 Bitlisi, Risâla f î
al-khilâfa (III)
1516–17 conquest of
Syria and Egypt

Before 1520 Bitlisi,
Qânûn-i shehinshâhî
1520 Süleyman I
1529 siege of Vienna 1529 Hüseyin
Latâ’if al-afkâr (III)

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