The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

In the face of this, Israel is determined to prevent violent public disorders and to
increase activity against PLO terrorist elements wherever they are found. This mission
is assigned to IDF [Israel Defense Forces] forces, the Border Police, and the other secu-
rity arms. The objective of the overall activity of these forces is to make unequivocally
clear, both in words and in deeds, to the residents of the territories, the Arab states,
and the international community that the path leading to war, threats of war, terror
and violent public disorder will achieve nothing. To the contrary, the continuation of
violent public disorder and terror will cause suffering, pain and hardships for those
who initiate or are involved in the disorders.
Gaza and Hebron, Ramallah and Nablus are not and will not become Beirut, Sidon
and Tyre. Here we will fight united in all our strength—and it is substantial—against
any element that attempts through violence to undermine our complete rule in Judea,
Samaria and the Gaza District. Peace on our eastern border and we all want this—will
be achieved only at the negotiating table with Jordan and residents of the territories.
With the aim of bringing about calm in the territories and restoring a sense of
security for all the residents living there, the security forces are acting with all the
means at our disposal within the framework of, and subject to, the law. In accordance
with this, security forces will apply all the means and methods against the inciters, the
organizers, and those participating in the violent disorders.
I want to note some of the principal directives which exist for the IDF and the
other security arms acting in the territories.

  1. A concentration of large forces, as deemed necessary by the IDF command at
    any given time.

  2. Activating relatively large forces against a violent disturbance as promptly as
    possible, with the goal of aborting it.

  3. While dealing with violent public disorders—to warn those who are disturb-
    ing the peace and allow them to disperse peacefully. If there is no response to
    the warning, to employ in the first stage means such as tear gas and rubber
    bullets fired by the guns of IDF soldiers. And if these, too, cannot disperse a
    violent demonstration, and rioters are endangering IDF soldiers and Border
    Police in carrying out their missions, they are permitted to fire with the inten-
    tion of wounding those leading the riots and throwing petrol bombs, initially
    at their legs, as far as this is possible, and this only after shots in the air have
    also failed to disperse the rioters.

As defense minister, I am responsible for the lives and well-being of IDF soldiers
and the Border Police acting alongside them. It is my obligation to provide them with
the ability to defend themselves while carrying out the missions they have been charged
with, including the use of their weapons with intent to wound those attempting to
strike at their lives and their well-being.

  1. There are no restrictions on the military commanders responsible for Judea,
    Samaria and Gaza concerning implementation of the punishment of deporta-
    tion and administrative detention against the inciters and the organizers of the
    violent disturbances and the terrorism. This, subject to the limitations of the
    legal procedures prescribed by law.

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