The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

  1. A ceasefire and an end to all hostilities throughout Lebanese territory and by
    all parties in a final manner, as from 6:00 a.m. on October 21, 1976. All parties must
    abide by this in every respect.

  2. To reinforce the present Arab peace forces so as to become a deterrent force
    acting inside Lebanon and under the personal command of the President of the Repub-
    lic, provided their numbers are about 30,000 soldiers. Among the basic functions of
    this force will be the following:
    a) To improve adherence to the cease-fire and the cessation of hostilities, to sep-
    arate the combatants and deter all violators.
    b) To implement the Cairo Agreement and its appendices. [The 1969 Cairo agree-
    ment provided for the presence of Palestinian security forces in southern
    Lebanon for the stated purpose of protecting Palestinian refugees in camps
    c) To maintain internal security.
    d) To supervise the withdrawal of armed elements to the places they occupied
    before April 13, 1975, and to remove all armed manifestations in accordance
    with the schedule set forth in the appendix [not shown].
    e) To supervise the gathering of all heavy arms such as artillery, mortars, rocket
    launchers, armored vehicles, etc., with the various parties being responsible for
    f) To assist the Lebanese authorities when necessary to take over public institu-
    tions and utilities prior to reactivating them, and to protect public institutions,
    both civil and military.

  3. To restore normal life to Lebanon to where it was before the beginning of those
    events, that is before April 13, 1975, as a first step and in accordance with the time
    schedule set forth in the appendix.

  4. To implement the Cairo Agreement and its appendices and adherence to their
    text, in both letter and spirit, with the participating Arab states acting as guarantors.
    A committee shall be formed of representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the
    Arab Republic of Egypt, the Syrian Arab Republic, and the State of Kuwait, which
    shall undertake to coordinate its work with the President of Lebanon in all that con-
    cerns the implementation of the Cairo Agreement and its appendices. It shall function
    for 90 days starting from the date of the announcement of the cease-fire.

  5. The Palestine Liberation Organization affirms its respect for Lebanon’s sover-
    eignty and well-being and its non-interference in its domestic affairs, all of which is
    based upon its total adherence to the national objectives of the Palestinian question.
    Lebanon’s legitimate authorities, in return, guarantee the security and activities of the
    PLO in Lebanon within the framework of the Cairo Agreement and its appendices.

  6. The participant Arab states undertake to respect Lebanon’s sovereignty, secu-
    rity and unity, both of its people and of its territory.

  7. The participant Arab states affirm their adherence to the resolutions of the Arab
    summits in Algeria and Rabat and their support for Palestinian resistance represented
    by the PLO as well as their respect for the rights of the Palestinian people in all ways
    to recover its national rights.

  8. Information media:
    a) All media campaigns and negative psychological mobilization by all parties are
    to cease.

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