The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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there are no more supply lines; its heavy weapons have been removed or destroyed by
Israel or are now in the hands of the Government of Lebanon; and there are no more
detainees at Al-Khiam prison.

  1. The Government of Lebanon cooperated with the United Nations in the
    implementation of the report of 22 May and has moved quickly to re-establish its
    effective authority in the area through the deployment of security forces in the area.
    On 12 June, the Government informed the United Nations that it would send a com-
    posite force composed of army and internal security personnel to be based in Mar-
    jayoun. Although the Government has not yet deployed the armed forces throughout
    southern Lebanon, it has stated that it will consider doing so as soon as I have con-
    firmed Israel’s withdrawal in compliance with Security Council resolution 425 (1978)
    and my report of 22 May 2000.

  2. The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic was very cooperative through-
    out the latest mission of my Special Envoy, as were other interested Member States in
    the region and elsewhere.

  3. On the basis of these developments, I can report to the Security Council that
    Israel has withdrawn its forces from Lebanon in accordance with resolution 425 (1978)
    and met the requirements defined in my report of 22 May 2000.

SOURCE: United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine,


UN Secretary-General’s Press

Statement on the Israeli

Withdrawal from Lebanon

JUNE16, 2000

I am delighted to tell you that the United Nations force in Lebanon today reported to
me that Israel has withdrawn from the country in full compliance with Security Coun-
cil resolution 425 (1978). I have just conveyed this information to the Security Council.
The people of Lebanon have waited more than 22 years for this moment. We must
all admire the fortitude with which they have borne this long ordeal. This is a happy
day for Lebanon—but also for Israel. It is a day of hope for the Middle East as a whole,
and it is a day of pride for the United Nations. It shows that United Nations resolu-
tions, when fully implemented by all parties working together, can be the building
blocks of peace. Lebanon is now closer to peace than it has been in decades.
The main task of UNIFIL will be to help the Lebanese Government and armed forces
assume their responsibilities along the border and throughout the area from which Israel
has withdrawn. I trust the international community will also be quick to assist Lebanon


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