The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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their families and their friends. But we will not rest, nor deviate from our efforts, until
all have been freed from their imprisonment and their abuse.
We hold the Government of Iran fully responsible for the well-being and the safe
return of every single person.
I want the American people to understand the situation as much as possible, but
there may be some questions tonight which I cannot answer fully, because of my con-
cern for the well-being of the hostages.
First of all, I would like to say that I am proud of this great Nation, and I want
to thank all Americans for their prayers, their courage, their persistence, their strong
support and patience.
During these past days our national will, our courage, and our maturity have all
been severely tested, and history will show that the people of the United States have
met every test.
In the days to come our determination may be even more sorely tried but we will
continue to defend the security, the honor and the freedom of Americans everywhere.
This Nation will never yield to blackmail.
For all Americans, our constant concern is the well-being and the safety of our
fellow citizens who are being held illegally and irresponsibly hostage in Iran. The
actions of Iran have shocked the civilized world.
For a government to applaud mob violence and terrorism, for a government actu-
ally to support and, in effect, participate in the taking and the holding of hostages is
unprecedented in human history. This violates not only the most fundamental pre-
cepts of international law but the common ethical and religious heritage of humanity.
There is no recognized religious faith on Earth which condones kidnapping. There is
no recognized religious faith on Earth which condones blackmail. There is certainly
no religious faith on Earth which condones the sustained abuse of innocent people.
We are deeply concerned about the inhuman and degrading conditions imposed
on the hostages. From every corner of the world, nations and people have voiced their
strong revulsion and condemnation of Iran and have joined us in calling for the release
of the hostages.
Last night, a statement of support was released and was issued by the President of
the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council, on behalf of all its mem-
bers. We expect a further Security Council meeting on Saturday night, at which more
firm and official action may be taken to help in obtaining the release of the American
Any claims raised by government officials of Iran will ring hollow while they keep
innocent people bound and abused and threatened. We hope that this exercise of
diplomacy and international law will bring a peaceful solution, because a peaceful solu-
tion is preferable to the other remedies available to the United States. At the same
time we pursue such a solution with grim determination. The Government of Iran
must recognize the gravity of the situation which it has itself created, and the grave
consequences which will result if harm comes to any of the hostages.
I want the American people to know and I want the world to know that we will
persist in our efforts, through every means available, until every single American has
been freed. We must also recognize now, as we never have before, that it is our entire
Nation which is vulnerable, because of our overwhelming and excessive dependence
on oil from foreign countries. We have got to accept the fact that this dependence is

388 IRAN

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