The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

... We feel that never in history—including the history of our nation, despite its
radiance—has it been possible for two leaders within one leadership to remain in power
without the occurrence of a serious schism in the moral aspects of the march, with-
out one leader deposing the other, or without losing heavenly values and the radiant
and honorable values of history.
Throughout this march we have preserved the values of manliness and honor and
have accorded our great and beloved Comrade Abu Haytham all the love and respect
that he duly deserves as a man who is sincere to his homeland and nation, and to his
party, principles, and values. He offered great services to the party, homeland and
nation. These services will be recorded in history with appreciation and admiration.
All the intervention and base attempts by hostile forces and all temptations of power
and life failed to make us covet the advanced position of authority. If we had done this, we
would have alienated ourselves from the principles and values by which we were raised, thus
depriving ourselves of the principles of chivalry, Arab ethics and eternal spiritual values.
Brothers, Comrade Abu Haytham has explained to you about his reported requests
to step down because of his health. I always took the initiative with our comrades to
prevent fulfilling Abu Haytham’s desire.
I used to repeat that we must insure that Comrade Abu Haytham stays with us
until his last breath because he is a great symbol of struggle. Even when, God forbid,
he becomes unable to walk, I said we should raise him on our shoulders so he might
stand as a symbol of our principles and so he might remain a living example for us
to present to our party, people and coming generations. However, Comrade Abu
Haytham persisted this time and his health conditions made us unable to dissuade him
from his request to resign from all official posts. Thus, we are losing an opportunity
that would help us complete the duty to which we have devoted ourselves—the duty
to further deepen the concepts that will enrich the revolution’s march with noble
humanitarian and ethical values....
... In assuming the honor and responsibility of leading the country from the pres-
ent position, I say to you, honorable Iraqi citizens, that I pledge as a struggle that I
will not ask my comrades in the leadership and party and my brothers the sons of the
people to carry out any act which I would not want to do by myself.
I will also not make them abstain from doing something I myself would not
abstain from doing. I will act inspired by the creed of the party and the Arab nation’s
heritage and the spirit of heavenly messages.
Our duty is to stand for justice and combat injustice, we will not allow any strug-
gler in the party or any citizen to be humiliated. We will punish the oppressor and
come to the aid of right.
I will struggle to be one of the banners, but not only banner; I will seek to be one
of the swords, but not only the sword; I will seek to be one of the leaders, but not the
only leader; and I will struggle to be one of the knights among the strugglers of the
party and the people, but not the only knight. I will not hesitate to take the initiative
and shoulder the responsibility of leading the revolution and country forward and fac-
ing the pan-Arab tasks along the road of unity, freedom and socialism. I will take on
what is required of the revolutionary initiative from a leader within the framework of
collective leadership which gives each struggler his role and dictates his duty to him.
Brother citizens, strugglers in the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party. This is a pledge
before you, the pledge of men and strugglers, a pledge given for today and tomorrow.


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