The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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Brothers, after the signing of the March [1975] agreement, many negotiations and
contacts were held to implement its provisions, especially those on the demarcation of
the borders, the setting up of border markers and other matters. The three major pro-
tocols attached to the agreement were signed. These were: the protocol on determin-
ing the river borders, the protocol on redemarcating the land borders and the proto-
col on border security.
The Iranian side benefited from the protocol on determining the river borders in
Shatt al-Arab. But more time was needed to apply the protocol on the land borders.
It was as if this was normal. The handing over of the land was disrupted by the cir-
cumstances resulting from the overthrow of the former Iranian regime in 1978 and
The new Iranian authorities came. However, our lands remained under the control
of the other side. We realized that the new regime needed time to carry out its obli-
gations under the agreement. However, the group ruling Iran showed hostility toward
us right from the first day. It violated the relations of good neighborliness. We began
hearing continuous statements from them that they were not bound by the March
The ruling group in Iran violated a basic provision in the agreement when it
recalled the leader of the mercenary mutiny from the United States. Agent Barzani
and some of his sons were getting ready to return to Iran to resume their aggressive
activities against Iraq. But Barzani died among his American benefactors. His sons and
the heads of the mercenary mutiny returned to Iran to use it as a springboard to
threaten Iraq’s unity and national security with the support of the ruling authorities.
Since their assumption of power to date, the conduct of the rulers of Iran has
demonstrated their violation of the relations of good neighborliness and their non-
commitment to the provisions of the March agreement. Therefore, they are legally
totally and actually responsible for the abrogation of this agreement.
Despite the difficult circumstances which Iraq was experiencing at the time it was
signed, this agreement was based on balanced elements. Upsetting any of these ele-
ments meant upsetting the spirit of the agreement.
Since the rulers of Iran have violated this agreement as of the beginning of their
reign by blatantly and deliberately intervening in Iraq’s domestic affairs by backing
and financing, as did the shah before them, the leaders of the mutiny, which is backed
by America and Zionism, and by refusing to return the Iraqi territories, which we were
compelled to liberate by force, I announce before you that we consider the 6 March
1975 agreement as abrogated from our side also. The RCC [Revolutionary Command
Council] has made a decision to this effect.
Thus, the legal relationship concerning Shatt al-Arab [river] should return to what
it was before 6 March 1975. This Shatt shall again be, as it has been throughout his-
tory, Iraqi and Arab in name and reality, with all rights of full sovereignty over it.
Brothers, in its relations with the entire world, Iraq has demonstrated that it hon-
orably respects all its pledges. It has also demonstrated that it cannot accept any form
of threats, aggression and violation of its sovereignty and dignity. The Iraqi people and
army are fully prepared to wage all valiant battles, no matter what the sacrifices, to safe-
guard their honor and sovereignty. We have taken our historic decision to restore our
total sovereignty over our soil and waters. We will act strongly and efficiently against
anyone who defiles this legitimate decision.

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