The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1


Arab League Summit

Communiqué on Ending

the Iran-Iraq War

NOVEMBER11, 1987

... From the premise of our historical responsibility and pan-Arab principles; based on
the relations of brotherhood and the interconnection of security, political, and economic
interests and the interconnection of history and civilization; out of an awareness of the
sensitive and difficult stage the Arab homeland is experiencing and of the challenges
against the Arab homeland’s present and future which pose a threat to its existence; and
realizing that the state of division and fragmentation causes a weakness that dissipates
the Arab nation’s resources and exhausts its potentialities, the issue of Arab solidarity has
been the focus of the Arab leaders’ attention. They discussed its various aspects, and pin-
pointed its weak and strong points. They stressed the need to support and enhance it,
and allotted it priority. Their viewpoints were in agreement on this issue, and they agreed
that Arab solidarity is the only means to achieve the Arab nation’s dignity and pride and
to ward off danger and harm from it. The leaders unanimously agreed to overcome dif-
ferences and to eliminate the causes of weakness and the factors of dismemberment and
division. From the premise of their loyalty to their homeland and their genuine affilia-
tion to their nationalism, they decided to adopt Arab solidarity as a basis for a joint Arab
action whose objective is to embody the unity of their stand, build the capabilities of
the Arab nation, and provide it with factors of strength and impregnability.
After listening to His Majesty King Hussein’s speech at the first closed session of
the summit, the leaders decided to consider the speech in which His Majesty launched
the slogan of reconciliation and accord as the title of the summit and an official doc-
ument of the summit. They reiterated their abidance by the need to support Arab-
African cooperation. They condemned the terrorism and racial discrimination which
the racist regime in South Africa is carrying out. They also reiterated their support for
the struggle of the people in South Africa and Namibia.
In adherence to the Arab League Charter, the Collective Arab Defense Pact, and
the Arab Solidarity Charter; to emphasize the determination to protect pan-Arab secu-
rity and to safeguard the Arab territory; and in an atmosphere filled with the spirit of
fraternity and love which prevailed at the Amman summit, the Iraq-Iran war and the
situation in the gulf region topped the summit agenda. The leaders expressed their
concern over the continuation of the war and expressed their dissatisfaction with the
Iranian regime’s insistence on continuing it and on going too far in provoking and
threatening the Arabian Gulf states. The conference condemned Iran for occupying
part of the Iraqi territory and its procrastination in accepting UN Security Council
Resolution Number 598. The conferees called on Iran to accept and fully implement
this resolution in accordance with the sequence of its clauses. They appealed to the
international community to assume its responsibilities, exert effective efforts, and adopt


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