The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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RECOMMENDATION 18: It is critical for the United States to provide additional
political, economic, and military support for Afghanistan, including resources that
might become available as combat forces are moved from Iraq.


The New Diplomatic Offensive will provide the proper external environment and sup-
port for the difficult internal steps that the Iraqi government must take to promote
national reconciliation, establish security, and make progress on governance.
The most important issues facing Iraq’s future are now the responsibility of Iraq’s
elected leaders. Because of the security and assistance it provides, the United States has
a significant role to play. Yet only the government and people of Iraq can make and
sustain certain decisions critical to Iraq’s future.

  1. Performance on Milestones

The United States should work closely with Iraq’s leaders to support the achievement
of specific objectives—or milestones—on national reconciliation, security, and gover-
nance. Miracles cannot be expected, but the people of Iraq have the right to expect
action and progress. The Iraqi government needs to show its own citizens—and the
citizens of the United States and other countries—that it deserves continued support.
The U.S. government must make clear that it expects action by the Iraqi govern-
ment to make substantial progress toward these milestones. Such a message can be sent
only at the level of our national leaders, and only in person, during direct consultation.
As President Bush’s meeting with Prime Minister Maliki in Amman, Jordan dem-
onstrates, it is important for the President to remain in close and frequent contact
with the Iraqi leadership. There is no substitute for sustained dialogue at the highest
levels of government.
During these high-level exchanges, the United States should lay out an agenda for
continued support to help Iraq achieve milestones, as well as underscoring the conse-
quences if Iraq does not act. It should be unambiguous that continued U.S. political,
military, and economic support for Iraq depends on the Iraqi government’s demon-
strating political will and making substantial progress toward the achievement of mile-
stones on national reconciliation, security, and governance. The transfer of command
and control over Iraqi security forces units from the United States to Iraq should be
influenced by Iraq’s performance on milestones.
The United States should also signal that it is seeking broad international support
for Iraq on behalf of achieving these milestones. The United States can begin to shape
a positive climate for its diplomatic efforts, internationally and within Iraq, through
public statements by President Bush that reject the notion that the United States seeks
to control Iraq’s oil, or seeks permanent military bases within Iraq. However, the
United States could consider a request from Iraq for temporary bases.

RECOMMENDATION 19: The President and the leadership of his national secu-
rity team should remain in close and frequent contact with the Iraqi leadership. These
contacts must convey a clear message: there must be action by the Iraqi government
to make substantial progress toward the achievement of milestones. In public diplo-

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