The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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working with the nations of the world. At this juncture, I am worried about Pakistan
only. I am the Supreme Commander of Pakistan and I give top priority to the defense
of Pakistan. Defense of any other country comes later.
We want to take decisions in the interest of Pakistan. I know that the majority of
the people favor our decisions. I also know that some elements are trying to take unfair
advantage of the situation and promote their personal agenda and advance the inter-
ests of their parties. They are poised to create dissensions and damage the country.
There is no reason why this minority should be allowed to hold the sane majority as
a hostage.
I appeal to all Pakistanis to display unity and solidarity and foil the nefarious
designs of such elements who intend to harm the interests of the country. At this crit-
ical juncture, we have to frustrate the evil designs of our enemies and safeguard national
interests. Pakistan is considered a fortress of Islam. God forbid, if this fortress is harmed
in any way it would cause damage to the cause of Islam. My dear countrymen, have
trust in me the way you reposed trust in me before going to Agra. I did not disap-
point the nation there.
We have not compromised on national honor and integrity and I shall not dis-
appoint you on this occasion either. This is firm pledge to you. In the end before I
take your leave, I would like to end with the prayer of Hazrat Musa (A.S)(Prophet
Moses) as given in Sura-e-Taha: “May Allah open my chest, make my task easier, untie
my tongue so that they may comprehend my intent.”

May Allah be with us in our endeavors.

Pakistan Paindabad.

SOURCE: “Statement by President of Pakistan,” Historic Documents of 2001(Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,
2002), 632–636.


Bush on the Start of Military

Strikes against Afghanistan

OCTOBER7, 2001

Good afternoon. On my orders, the United States military has begun strikes against
al Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in
Afghanistan. These carefully targeted actions are designed to disrupt the use of
Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations, and to attack the military capability of
the Taliban regime.
We are joined in this operation by our staunch friend, Great Britain. Other close
friends, including Canada, Australia, Germany and France, have pledged forces as the


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