The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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The state’s role in the economy could not conform with the changing conditions
due to wrong policies that were being implemented and the injustice in the distribu-
tion of wealth among the parts of the community and regions could not be corrected.
A sound privatization scheme could not be carried out. The country could not rid
itself of [its] cumbersome, overcentralist administrative system, impoverishment and
political corruption.
The economic policies of recent coalition governments have failed and the worst
economic crisis in its history hit the country. As a result, unprecedented poverty has
struck our people. Hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs and tens of thousands
of business[es] had to be closed down. People have lost their hope for the future.
The government, however, believes that Turkey has the potential to be a rightful
member of the new world with its young population, unique geographical location,
rich natural resources and cultural aspects. The government has set off a course to
establish a secure future and meet the people’s demands with a comprehensive pro-
gram, an honest leadership and well-educated and experienced personnel.
Most of the issues mentioned in the program are actually those which have been
discussed for [a] long time. These issues will be taken up in an atmosphere of social dia-
logue and constructive relations between the government and the opposition. The motto
of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic and our great leader, to surpass
the level of contemporary civilization, will form the basis of the steps we will take.
The government will create a democratic, credible and dynamic Turkey enjoying
economic stability, competitive market structure, sustainable development environ-
ment, justice in welfare, peace, freedom and integration with the modern world. We
will make this vision come true.

Basic Rights and Freedoms

People enjoy inalienable and nontransferable basic rights and freedoms. The individ-
ual will be the center of our policies which will take all international democratic stan-
dards as a basis.
Our country, which made [the] European Convention on Human Rights and Uni-
versal Declaration of Human Rights a part of its internal law, will put these values
into practice and reach universal standards in the field of basic rights and freedoms,
under our leadership.
Therefore, we will introduce all necessary amendments to the Constitution and
the laws to upgrade the basic rights and freedoms to the level in international con-
ventions and the Copenhagen criteria [conditions for membership in the European
Union], in particular.
We will put these basic rights and freedoms into practice and make them an estab-
lished dimension of our political culture.
No double standards and political manipulation will be permitted in basic rights
and freedoms of individuals.
We will wage a determined struggle against violations of human rights and tor-
ture in particular....
We will also prepare a new Constitution which will underline freedoms and par-
ticipatory aspects. The new Constitution will enjoy powerful social legitimacy and con-
form with the international norms. It will feature the understanding of the democratic


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