The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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October 30:The Ottomans sign an armistice with the Entente allies, ending their par-
ticipation in World War I.

January:Chaim Weizmann of the World Zionist Organization and Amir Faisal ibn
Hussein sign an agreement calling for cooperation between Arabs and Jews.
May 14:Greek forces land at Smyrna, on the coast of Turkey, to claim the region for
Greece. This leads to a series of battles in which Turkish nationalists under Mustafa
Kemal defeat the Greeks and gain control of all of Anatolia.
July 2:The Syrian General Congress, a meeting of Arab notables in Damascus, issues
a declaration calling for the creation of an independent Syrian state, or failing that,
temporary administration of Syrian territory by the United States.
August 18:Afghanistan declares independence from Great Britain.
September 9:Led by Mustafa Kemal, Turkish nationalists meeting in Sivas issue a dec-
laration insisting on Turkish control of all of Anatolia and the region around Istan-
bul. Their declaration later becomes the Turkish National Pact.

January 28:Ottoman parliament adopts the Turkish National Pact, setting out the
proposed borders of the Turkish state.
March 11:Meeting in Damascus, the Syrian National Congress declares Faisal ibn
Hussein the ruler of Syria and Palestine.
April 24:Meeting at San Remo, the League of Nations awards mandates for Iraq and
Palestine to Britain and a mandate for Lebanon and Syria to France.
June:In Iraq, a brief but widespread revolt begins against British rule.
July 1:Britain installs Herbert Samuel as the first civilian high commissioner in Palestine.
July 24:A French army force captures Damascus and forces Faisal ibn Hussein from
the throne.
August 10:The Treaty of Sèvres is signed, stripping the Ottoman Empire of its Arab
provinces and portions of Anatolia and placing Istanbul and the strategic straits
under international control.
August:The French high commissioner in Damascus creates “Greater Lebanon” by
separating the Mount Lebanon region from Syria and annexing to Lebanon the
coastal regions of Beirut and Tripoli.

February 22:Reza Khan, an army commander, seizes power in Iran.
March 15:A British government conference in Cairo results in the appointment
of Faisal ibn Hussein as king of Iraq and Abdallah ibn Hussein as amir of

February 28:Britain ends its protectorate over Egypt but in a declaration known as
the Four Reserved Points retains control of matters related to communications links,
security, the protection of foreigners, and the future of Sudan.
March 15:Britain recognizes Egypt as an independent country under King Fuad.
July 24:The Council of the League of Nations approves the mandates under which


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