The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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May 13:Britain ends its mandate over Palestine, and the Arab League declares that a
state of war exists between itself and the Jews of Palestine.
May 14:David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel. The United States becomes
the first country to recognize the new state.
May 15:Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Transjordan attack Israel, beginning a war that
will last until the signing of cease-fire agreements in 1949. Israel survives the attack
and gains control over more territory than UN Resolution 181 had awarded it.
December 11:The UN General Assembly adopts Resolution 194, establishing a Pales-
tine Conciliation Commission and calling for the “right of return” by Palestinians
to their former homes in the new state of Israel.

January 6:Egypt and Israel sign the first cease-fire ending the Arab-Israeli war; Other
cease-fire agreements are signed subsequently: between Israel and Transjordan on
March 11 and Israel and Syria on July 20. The other combatants, Iraq and Lebanon,
do not sign cease-fire agreements with Israel.
January 25:The Labor Party, led by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, wins the first
elections held in Israel.
March 21:The UN Palestine Conciliation Commission holds its first meeting, in
Beirut. Subsequent sessions are held in 1950 and 1951 but end in failure in Novem-
ber 1951.
April 26: King Abdallah changes the name of his country from Transjordan to
April 28:Israel says it will not allow Arab refugees to return to their former homes
inside Israel.
July 27:UN mediator Ralph Bunche says the “military phase” of the war between
Arabs and Israel has ended.
December 13:The Israeli Knesset approves a proposal by Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion to move government offices, including those of the Knesset, to Jerusalem,
from Tel Aviv.

March 9:Turkey becomes the first majority Muslim state to recognize Israel.
March 15:Iran recognizes Israel.
April 1:The Arab League demands that Israel return captured lands that exceed the
boundaries set by the 1947 UN partition resolution and votes to expel any mem-
ber country that negotiates a separate peace with Israel.
April 24:Jordan annexes the West Bank, including the Old City of Jerusalem.

April 28:The Iranian parliament votes to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
(owned by the British government).
July 20:Jordan’s King Abdallah is assassinated. His son Talal will be crowned king on
September 6.
September 13:The UN Palestine Conciliation Commission opens a final round of
talks in Paris with delegates from Israel and several Arab countries. During the talks,


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