The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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“Blair Statement on Military Action in Afghanistan” Crown copyright © 2001. Repro-
duced under the terms of the Click-Use License.

“The Charter of the Arab League” is reproduced with permission of the Office of the
Arab League Mission.

“Communiqué No. 3” copyright © 1994 Syracuse University Press. Reproduced with

“King Hussein on Relinquishing the West Bank” copyright © The Royal Hashemite
Court. Reproduced with permission of the Royal Hashemite Court.

“Protocol of Sèvres” (English translation) published in International Affairsvol. 73, no.
3 (1997), pp. 509–530. Reproduced with permission.

“Soviet Memorandum on the Invasion of Afghanistan” reproduced with permission of
the Cold War International History Project at the Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars.

“Taliban Decrees” copyright © 2001 Ahmed Rashid. Reproduced with permission of
Yale University Press and I. B. Tauris Publishers.

“Turkish National Pact” reproduced with permission of the estate of Arnold J.

“UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947),” “UN General Assembly Resolution
194 (1948),” “UN General Assembly Resolution 997 (1956),” “Abba Eban’s State-
ment to the UN Security Council,” “Khartoum Declaration,” “UN Security Coun-
cil Resolution 242 (1967),” “UN Security Council Resolution 338 (1973),” “UN


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