The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Iran (continued)
overview, 375–378
Pahlavi dynasty, 375–377
post–World War I, 6
Qajar dynasty, 375
regional role, 377–378
background, 121, 379–381, 424
Khomeini speech, text, 382–383
Soviet invasion, 376
Tudeh Party, 376
U.S. embassy, occupation of
agreement to release hostages,
background, 380, 383–386
Carter news conference, 387–390
Iraqi invasion, role in, 424
U.S. invasion of Iraq and, 378, 397
U.S. involvement in 1953 coup,
376–377, 384, 395, 396
U.S. relations
background, 395–398
Clinton remarks, 400
Khatami news conference,
White Revolution, 379
Iran Air Flight 655, 438
Iran-contra affair, 432
Iran-Iraq War
Algiers Peace Agreement, 424
Amman summit
background, 433
communiqué excerpts, 436–437
Basij, 430
conclusion of
background, 423–425, 434, 437–439
Khamenei letter accepting UN
Security Council Resolution
598, 439–440
Khomeini statement on cease-fire,
diplomacy, 430–434
Faw Peninsula, 432, 438
Hussein speech to National Assembly,
Iranian invasion, 430–431
Iraqi invasion, 425

Iraqi withdrawal, 430
military buildup, 431
overview, 419
Pasdaran, 430
tanker war, 431
UN-brokered cease-fire, 425
UN Security Council Resolution 598
background, 433, 437
Iran’s acceptance of, 438
Khamenei letter of acceptance,
passage, 434
text, 434–435
U.S. intervention, 431–432
Baath Party, 418, 420
boundaries, 5
Coalition Provisional Authority, 511
creation of, 417
democracy and, 505, 510–512
elections, 526–529, 532
Free Officers, 418
Governing Council, 511–512
June 1920 revolt, 7
Kurdish rebellion, 466
Kuwait, invasion of. SeePersian Gulf War
Maliki government
background, 528–529
National Reconciliation and Dialogue
Project, text, 529–531
oil-for-food program
background, 475–476
UN Security Council Resolution 986
passage, 476
text, 478–479
Operation Desert Fox, 475
overview, 417–419
postwar Iraq
background, 510–512
government, 526–529
Iraq Study Group recommendations,
“surge” in troops
background, 534
Bush (G. W.) announcement of,
text of speech, 557–561
U.S. policy, 532–534


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