The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Israel (continued)
Labor Party, 180, 213
Likud Party, 180, 213, 215
National Religious Party, 180
Netanya bombing, 157
nuclear program, 404
Palestinian relations. SeeIsraeli-
Palestinian relations; specific
settlement of occupied territories
background, 97, 178–182
cabinet communiqué, 97; 182
Galili document, 180
overview, 165–168
Rabin statement on settlements,
redeployment in occupied territories.
SeeHebron Protocol; Oslo
Accords; Wye River
Persian Gulf War, 456–457
South African relations, 116
Suez crisis, 38, 80–83
symbolism of state, 37
Syrian peace talks, 217, 277
withdrawal of troops from Lebanon
approval, text of resolution, 356–357
background, 277, 354–356
overview, 329
UN Secretary-General press
statement, 358
UN Secretary-General report, 357
Israeli-Palestinian relations
See alsoIsrael; Oslo Accords; specific
Clinton speech to Israel Policy
Forum, 282–287
Israeli disengagement policy
background, 312–315
overview, 166
Sharon statement, 315–317
Israeli narrative, 166
occupied territories
background, 97, 178–182
cabinet communiqué on Israeli
settlements, 97
Galili Document, 180

overview, 165–168
Rabin statement on settlements,
overview, 165–168
Palestinian narrative, 166
Palestinian statehood, 175–176
Trilateral Statement, 281
Israel Policy Forum
background, 280
Clinton speech, 282–287
Italy, 631
Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, 206

al-Jaafari, Ibrahim, 512
Jagland, Thorbjoern, 289
Jarring, Gunnar, 110
Jerusalem, 77–78
Jewish homeland movement. SeeZionism
Jewish National Fund, 42
Hamas and, 205
mujahidin and, 581
Taliban and, 595
Johnson, Lyndon B. SeeJohnson Plan
Johnson Plan
address to Foreign Policy Conference
for Educators, 104–107
background, 103–104
overview, 39
Arab Legion, 71
creation, 26
Israeli peace agreement. SeeJordanian-
Israeli peace agreement
Jerusalem, status of, 77–78
June 1967 War, 96
1948 Arab-Israeli War, armistice, 74
Palestinian citizenship, 175, 200
PLO and, 143, 169, 185, 200
Reagan peace plan, 132
Jordanian-Israeli peace agreement
background, 142–144, 215
overview, 40
Treaty of Peace, text, 147–155
Washington Declaration, 144–146
Jordan Valley, 179


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