The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Afghanistan rule, 567
decrees, text, 595–598
ousting from power, 598, 599
resurgence, 568, 615, 616–617
rise of, 593–595
Tanzania, bombing of U.S. embassy in,
567, 595
Taraki, Mohammad, 569
Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif complex,
260, 277–279, 288
Tenet, George, 289
Iranian support of, 396, 397
al-Qaida, 598
September 11, 2001, attacks. See
September 11, 2001, attacks
Thant, U, 110
Thrace, 631
Tomb of the Patriarchs, 259
Transjordan. SeeJordan
Treaty of Lausanne, 26, 632
Treaty of Sèvres, 26, 631
Tripartite Agreement, 344
Truman, Harry S.
Israel, recognition of, 68–69
Palestine, position on, 57–58
Tueni, Gibran, 361
Turabi, Hassan, 594
Congress of Sivas
background, 631–632
declaration, 633–634
Democratic Party, 640
Europe and, 627–628
founding principles, 636–638
Greek invasion, 631
independence, Kemal speech on,
Justice and Development Party (AKP)
creation, 642
General Staff statement on preser-
vation of secularism, 645–646
government program, 649–652
rise of, 647–649
Justice Party, 640
military coups, 629, 639–642

Motherland Party, 641
national identity, 627
National Pact (Misak-i Milli)
adoption, 632
background, 631–632
summary, key points, 634–635
National Security Council, 641
National Unity Committee, 640
1960 coup, 640
1971 coup
background, 640
Tagmac memorandum, text, 643
1980 coup
background, 641
Turkish Embassy announcement,
1997 “soft coup,” 641–642
overview, 627–630
post–World War I, 6
Republican People’s Party
background, 637, 639
overview, 629
commitment to, 641–642
General Staff statement on
preservation, 645–646
Kemalism and, 637
Soviet Union and, 632
urbanization, effects of, 640
Welfare Party, 629, 641–642, 647
Turkish National Pact. SeeTurkey

UNEF (United Nations Emergency
Force), 95
UN General Assembly
See also specific resolutions
Arab venue for denouncing Israeli
actions, 116
Arafat address
background, 185–186
speech excerpts, 187–191
partition of Palestine, 58–59
Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan,
call for, 570
UN General Assembly Resolution 181
background, 58–59

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