The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Wye River Memorandum
background, 260, 267–269
text, 269–276

Yassin, Sheik Ahmed, 205–206
Yemen and USS Colebombing, 567
Young Turks, 629, 636

Zahar, Mahmoud
letter to Annan seeking support for
new government, 322–323
Palestinian foreign minister, 319
Zahedi, Fazallah, 376
Zahir Shah, Mohammad, 565, 569, 600

Zinni, Anthony C., 289
Arab-Jewish dialogue, 17–18
Balfour Declaration
background, 14, 23–24
overview, 5
text, 24–25
British alignment with, 5
declaration of Israel’s independence,
37, 38
Greater Israel, 178
King-Crane Commission report, 20
Palestine mandate, 42
racism and, 116
Revisionist faction, 59

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