America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

under Kesselring, 274
Kluge’s antipathy to, 279–280
Normandy invasion, 143, 254
tension with Runstedt, 444
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 146, 170,
Roosevelt, Theodore, 2, 184
Rosebud Valley, Cheyennes’
return to, 152–154
Rosencrans, William S., 66, 106,
409, 515
Ross, John, 90
Ross, Robert, 79–80, 112–113,
115–116, 360, 437–439
Rottenburg, Francis de, 148, 338,
352, 412, 440–442,448,
Royal Air Force, 36, 175, 177,
194–195, 229, 269,
Royal Greens, 258
Royal Marines, 396–398
Royal Marriage Act, 341
Royal Navy, 145–146, 537–540
Royal Navy admirals. See
Appendix A for listing
Royal Navy officers. See
Appendix A for listing
Royal North British Dragoons
(Scots Greys), 156
Royal Scots (First Regiment of
Foot), 148
Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 16
Royall, W. B., 494
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 58, 143,
254, 275, 279, 330, 436,
Russia, 308–309, 329
Russian admirals, xii, 196–198
Russian fighter pilots, xi–xii,
Ryswick, Treaty of, 136

Sac and Fox War Chief, 53–54
Sackets Harbor, New York, 75,
149, 407, 538–539
St. Benedict monastery, 465
St. Benedict of Aviz, 537
St. Clair, Arthur, 166, 190, 294,
390, 503, 505
St. John’s, 256
St. Lawrence River, 40, 159, 312

St. Leger, Barry, 25, 68, 84, 89,
120, 258, 483–485
St. Mihiel, 178–179, 225
St. Nevis, 136
Saint-Lô, France, 218, 280
The Saintes, Battle of, 61
Saipan, capture of, 509, 536
Sakai, Saburo, 349–350,
Sakamaki, Kazuo, 214
de Salaberry, Charles-Michel
d’Irumberry, 312, 407,
Saltillo campaign, 284
Sampson, William T., 100–101
San Carlos Reservation, 183,
Sand Creek Massacre, 55–56,
152, 295, 432, 493
Sandino, Augusto, xi, 450–452
Sandwich, Earl of, 239
Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 239
de Santa Anna, Antonio López ,
xi, 66, 138, 453–455
Santa Fe Trail, 459
Santiago Bay, Battle of, 101–102
Santo Domingo, Battle of, 112
Saratoga, Battle of, 44, 85, 109,
166, 182, 239, 242–243, 483
Sassacus, x, 456–458
Satanta, 458–460
Saudi Arabia, 247
Saukenuk, Illinois, 53–54
Savage Station, Battle of, 314
Savannah, Georgia, 91–92,
Sawyer, Herbert, 77
Saxe, Maurice de, 140
Scarface Charley, 96
Scharnhorst(German battle
cruiser), 176
Schley, Winfield Scott, 100–101
Schofield, John M., 237
Schutzstaffeln (SS)
Blaskowitz’s denunciation of
atrocities in Poland, 57–59
Commissar Directive, 272
death camps, 230
Hitler’s Liebstandarte,
liquidating Hitler’s opponents,

Senger’s shock at atrocities
by, 464
Skorzeny, Otto, 478–480
SS Panzer Corps, 217–218
See alsoPanzer Corps
Schuyler, Philip, 84, 89, 98, 258,
428, 485
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 248
Scorched-earth policy, 38, 43,
Carson’s Navajo campaign,
English burning of American
settlements, 425
Phillips’s movements down
the James River, 391
Scotland: light infantry units, 311
Scott, Winfield, 70, 133, 149–150,
244, 260, 515, 526, 528
annexation of Taylor’s forces,
Harvey’s friendship with, 212
Jackson’s service under, 251
Jefferson Davis and, 138
Longstreet’s service under,
Lovell’s service under, 306
Magruder’s service under, 313
Mexican-American War, 47
Niagara campaign, 351–352
Robert E. Lee and, 284
See alsoMexican-American
The Sea Power of the States
(Gorshkov), 197
Seattle, Washington, 264
Second Manassas, Battle of,
155, 232, 236, 252, 285,
299, 489
Second Mississippi Regiment,
Second Missouri Volunteers,
Second Seminole War, 6, 66, 259,
303, 326–328, 358, 530–531
Second U.S. Cavalry, 515
Secord, Laura Ingersoll, 159,
461–463, 529
Seminole Indians, 326–328,
357–359, 529–531. See also
Second Seminole War
Senate, U.S., 70, 138, 192


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