Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence
Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence
and Counterintelligence
Jon Woronoff, Series Editor
- British Intelligence, by Nigel West, 2005.
- United States Intelligence, by Michael A. Turner, 2006.
- Israeli Intelligence, by Ephraim Kahana, 2006.
- International Intelligence, by Nigel West, 2006.
- Russian and Soviet Intelligence, by Robert W. Pringle, 2006.
- Cold War Counterintelligence, by Nigel West, 2007.
- World War II Intelligence, by Nigel West, 2008.
- Sexspionage, by Nigel West, 2009.
- Air Intelligence, by Glenmore S. Trenear-Harvey, 2009.
- Middle Eastern Intelligence, by Ephraim Kahana and Muhammad
Suwaed, 2009.
- German Intelligence, by Jefferson Adams, 2009.