Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence

(Kiana) #1
former Abwehr officers from the Vienna office had already suffered
this fate and later perished in the Gulag. He died in Innsbruck of a heart
attack on 24 February 1955.

LANG, HERMANN (1902–?). An important Abwehr spy working in
the United States, Hermann Lang had emigrated from Germany in
1927 and found employment as an engineering inspector in a New
York armaments factory. Following his recruitment by Nikolaus Rit-
ter in 1937, he obtained blueprints for the Norden bombsight, then
considered the country’s most valuable military secret. They were
dispatched by courier via the Hamburg-American Line to Germany,
where the Luftwaffe constructed a model of the original. Betrayed
by William G. Sebold, Lang was arrested by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation on 30 July 1941 as part of the large spy ring headed
by Frederic Duquesne. He received a sentence of 18 years for

LANGBEHN, CARL (1901–1944). The personal attorney and friend of
SS chief Heinrich Himmler who was also involved in the anti-Nazi
resistance, Carl Langbehn was born on 6 December 1901. A well-
connected lawyer in Berlin, he developed a strong distaste for the Nazi
regime by 1938 and began to cultivate ties with resistance figures, such
as Johannes Popitz and Ulrich von Hassell. He also maintained a close
friendship with Himmler and prevailed upon him to release his former
law professor, Fritz Pringsheim, from a concentration camp.
As Himmler and Walter Schellenberg began to formulate their plan
for a separate peace in August 1942, Langbehn served as the interme-
diary with Allen Dulles, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services
in Bern. In September 1943, after returning from a trip to Switzerland,
Langbehn was arrested by the Gestapo on the basis of an intercepted
Allied radio message. His trial for high treason occurred in the after-
math of the failed 20 July 1944 plot against Adolf Hitler. Himmler,
fearful that his own seditious actions might come to light, insisted on a
speedy verdict and the omission of a formal confession. Langbehn was
executed at Plötzensee Prison on 12 October 1944.

LANGEMANN, HANS (1925– ). A senior official of the Bundesnach-
richtendienst (BND) and the Bavarian Interior Ministry who revealed


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