Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence

(Kiana) #1
ers were given lesser terms. Ludwig remained confined at Alcatraz
Island until his deportation in 1953.

LUMMER, HEINRICH (1932– ). A popular West German parlia-
mentarian who was the object of a failed recruitment attempt by the
Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA), Heinrich Lummer belonged
to the Christlich-Demokratische Union and served as a member of
the West Berlin Senate. On a social outing in East Berlin in 1973, he
met Frauke Borchardt (code name susanne rau), claiming to be an
art dealer, and a sustained affair developed. Upon his appointment as
senator for interior affairs in 1981, the HVA threatened him with the
release of intimate photographs should he prove uncooperative. Lum-
mer, however, refused to be blackmailed and reported the incident to
counterintelligence authorities. It did not become public knowledge
until summer 1989.

LUNDING, HANS. A Danish intelligence officer imprisoned in Ger-
many during World War II, Hans Lunding was arrested in Copenha-
gen by the Gestapo on 29 August 1943 during a full-scale crackdown
on resistance activities. Taken to Berlin and sentenced to death by
a Nazi court, he was consigned in July 1944 to the Flossenbürg
concentration camp. Wilhelm Canaris was placed in a neighboring
cell the following year, and Lunding was witness to Canaris’s last
utterances through a wall-tapping code. Whereas the former Abwehr
chief was executed shortly before the arrival of Allied troops, Lund-
ing survived and returned to Denmark in July 1945, becoming chief
of Danish military intelligence five years later. He also served as an
undercover liaison to the British and Americans at the headquarters
of Admiral Karl Doenitz, the Third Reich’s final head of state. In
1955, Lunding devised a secret plan to rescue Otto John while en
route from East Berlin to Helsinki via Copenhagen, but John’s Soviet
captors canceled the trip at the last minute.


LÜTTICH, EBERHARD. An operative of the Hauptverwaltung
Aufklärung (HVA) whose capture caused a serious rupture in U.S.
operations, Eberhard Lüttich had worked as one of the camouflaged


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