Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence

(Kiana) #1
criminal. Unrepentant to the end, Rauff died in Santiago on 14 May

RAUSSENDORF, KLAUS KURT VON (1936– ). An agent of the
Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA) in the Foreign Office of
the Federal Republic of Germany, Klaus Kurt von Raussendorf was
recruited in 1957 by the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit while a
student of history and German at the Free University of Berlin. His
commitment was prompted by ideological concerns. In 1960, encour-
aged by his case officer, Raussendorf (code name brede) found a
position as an attaché in the Foreign Office in Bonn and rose to the
rank of privy councilor. Not until the testimony of ex-HVA officer
Werner Roitzsch to West German authorities in 1990 did his iden-
tity as a spy become known. Raussendorf was sentenced to a six-year
prison term in June 1991.

RECKZEH, PAUL (1913– ). A physician who also worked for the
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS), Paul Reckzeh (code name
robby) was an informer for the Gestapo during World War II. In
1943, he was responsible for the betrayal of members of the Solf Cir-
cle, a bourgeois resistance group. Arrested and interned by Smersh
(Soviet Military Counterintelligence) in late May 1945, he was pros-
ecuted five years later during the Waldheimer Trials conducted by
the German Democratic Republic. His sentence of 15 years for sub-
mitting “derisive comments about non-fascists” to Nazi authorities
was suspended two years later, and Reckzeh headed to West Berlin
to start a medical practice. Threatened with arrest, however, he found
asylum back in East Berlin in March 1955 and obtained a position
as a senior physician at the hospital in Perleberg (Brandenburg), but
further advancement was blocked.
Reckzeh’s first approach by the MfS occurred in November 1956.
Despite his description of himself as a “very active Nazi” and his dis-
inclination to sign a formal agreement, further meetings took place,
and his limited cooperation was secured. Yet he also remained under
MfS observation, particularly after a witness came forward with the
names of people he had earlier betrayed. It was not until after reunifi-
cation that any new legal proceedings against Reckzeh were initiated.

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