used prominently against Wehner in Operation Wotan in 1961, a
later internal MfS investigation concluded that Mewis, not Wehner,
had revealed his name to Swedish authorities. Stahlmann died on 25
December 1974.
MARIA (1958– ). An American husband-and-wife team engaged
by the Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA), Kurt Alan Stand
and Theresa Maria Squillacote first met in 1974 at the University
of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, drawn together by their common at-
traction to radical left-wing causes. Stand, whose communist father
had immigrated to the United States to escape the Nazi regime, had
been recruited two years previously while in the German Democratic
Republic (GDR) and given the code name Junior. As requested by
his handler, he enlisted another student, James Michael Clark (code
name jack), in 1976 and then his new wife in 1980 (code names resi
and schwan). Reflecting their ideological convictions, the couple
named their two children after the martyred German communists
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.
Stand and Squillacote received several training sessions in the
GDR as well as forged British passports with the names Alan David
Jackson and Mary Teresa Miller for their numerous trips abroad. As a
lawyer, Squillacote found a temporary position on the House Armed
Services Committee and then in the Office of the Undersecretary
for Acquisition Reform in the Department of Defense, while Stand
became the representative of an international union of food industry
workers. Clark was a paralegal for the U.S. Army until 1989. They
communicated with the HVA in the language of Christian missionar-
ies, referring to coded signals as the “voice of God.”
The trio’s identity came to the attention of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Acting
on information contained in East German documents, the FBI initi-
ated close surveillance and made Squillacote the center of a sting
operation. To a special agent posing as a pro-communist South Af-
rican spymaster, Squillacote boasted of her past work for the HVA
and agreed to obtain confidential Pentagon material. Following the