Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
The Mossad agents instructed them how to reach the rendezvous
points from where they were taken by trucks to Moroccan ports where
ships and airplanes picked them up. Under the aegis of the Yakhin Op-
eration, more than 80,000 Moroccan Jews ultimately immigrated to
Israel. The Israeli-Moroccan cooperation also yielded an unexpected
by-product in Tunisia, where another 1,000 Jews sailed from the coast
of Bizerte to Israel on French warships arranged by the Mossad. See

YAKOBIAN, KABURAK.An Armenian Egyptian who underwent ba-
sic training in espionage tradecraft to be applied in Israel, Yakobian
was given detailed information about the life in Israel and Jewish re-
ligious customs. He was even provided with photographs of “rela-
tives” and “mother in her grave.” At the end of 1960 Yakobian ac-
quired a refugee certificate from the United Nations in Cairo and in
March 1961 left for Brazil. There he obtained the identity card of a
Turkish-born Jew named Yitzhak “Zaki” Kucuk. With the help of the
Jewish Agency in Brazil, he immigrated to Israel in December 1961
under his false identity. Yakobian had been thoroughly prepared for
his spying mission. He went to Hebrew language classes like all new
immigrants. Following the instructions of his Egyptian handlers, he
volunteered for national service in the Israel Defense Forces in the ar-
mored corps. His application was rejected, however, and instead he
became a truck driver in a transport unit, a useless post for espionage.
His rejection from the armored corps was because he had been under
surveillance almost from the day of his arrival in Israel. The Israeli
Security Agency(ISA) discovered that he was using invisible ink to
correspond with his Egyptian handlers in Europe. In December 1963
Yakobian was arrested by the ISA and sentenced to 18 years’ impris-
onment. He was released in 1966 in a deal with the Egyptians in ex-
change for three Israeli prisoners in an Egyptian jail.


YARIV, AHARON (1920–1994).Born in Moscow, Yariv immigrated to
Palestine in 1935, where he was known by his nickname Arele. He
joined the Haganah militia in 1939. During World War II, he served in
the British army with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He became adju-
tant to the Haganah chief of staff in 1947. During Israel’s 1948–1949


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